
Compliant together
Compliance is a top priority for Webasto. It is the company's claim and obligation towards employees and business partners to always act in accordance with laws, regulations and ethical values. This corresponds to the basic attitude and corporate culture, and in particular the understanding of responsibility of Webasto for people, the environment and society.
Violations of acts, guidelines and standards can quickly lead to considerable and serious consequences amongst others in terms of image, finances and business partnerships. Infringements include offenses such as tax fraud, bribery, discrimination or breach of data protection.
Moreover, due to financial crises, economic scandals and climate change, the legal requirements for companies have increased significantly in recent years. This makes it even more important to be sensitive and to keep a close eye out for cases of compliance violations. Misconduct and irregularities in the work areas of a few people to the detriment of the entire company are unacceptable. The management of Webasto pays strict attention to compliance within the organization. Employees are obliged to complete appropriate training courses on a regular basis.
In addition, Webasto has set up a whistleblower system to identify compliance violations at an early stage and take action against them. Employees as well as people outside the company can use the website-based platform to report actual or potential cases of non-compliance confidentially and anonymously. The system is hosted and managed by an external service provider and is available in various languages.
Continuous improvement in any professional context as well as along the entire supply chain: Please report violations of laws or regulations, malpractice or abuses relating to the regulations
of the Whistleblower Protection Act (“HinSchG”) and the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (“LkSG”).